Official Website of Fiji Rugby Union

Support the Flying Fijians ! Donate Now !!


For donations within Fiji, please use these instructions.  This service is accessed via Vodafone’s M-Paisa.

Step 1 :
Dial  *181#

Step 2 :

Select from the following menu options

  1. M-PAiSA card Topup
  2. Send Money
  3. Withdraw Cash
  4. Buy Recharge
  5. MPAiSA Balance
  6. My Account
  7. Bill Pay
  8. Payments

Response: 8

Step 3 :

Enter your Secret Pin  Response: ****

Step 4 :
Select Business Payments

  1. Enter Business number
  2. Search for Business

Response: 1

Step 5 :
Enter Business No:

Response: 20257

Step 6 :
You are paying to Fiji Rugby please enter your Name:

Response: Adriu

Step 7 :
Max payment $xxx
Please enter the payment amount in dollars and cents without the decimal point (E.g. $1.35 is typed as 135):

Response: 1000

Step 8 :
Confirm payment of $10.00 to Fiji Rugby for Adriu :
1: Yes
2: No

Response: 1

Step 9 :

Your request is in process. You will be advised by Txt message.

Step 10 :

You will receive an SMS from 181.

  1. No: 1233. You have paid $10.00 to Fiji Rugby on 31/07/2015 at 08:39AM from your M-PAiSA account. Your new M-PAiSA balance is $xxx
© Fiji Rugby 2025