Jiuta Wainiqolo
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Jiuta Wainiqolo

Player Name
jiuta wainiqolo
How does being an athlete makes you a better person?
team work
What do you like about playing alongside your teammates?
loving what you do during training
What is you ‘WHY’ / the reason or person you play the game for?
passion and my family
What’s your favorite song that hypes you up before any game?
simply the best – Tina Turner
What’s your favorite sports movie?
longest yard
How do you focus before you play?
listening to motivations speech
After a good performance, what is one thing you always do?
keep working hard
Do you have a self motivational quote / scripture / other that inspires your performance?
never give up
How do you relax away from rugby?
travel and holiday
Describe yourself in two words?
humble and friendly
What are your plans / dreams after you finish playing rugby?
continue with educations