Official Website of Fiji Rugby Union

Development News

FRU Development Unit with Regional GIR and Training Co-coordinator Oceania Talemo Waqa organized a refresher course to continue professional development for educators, trainers and Level 2 coaches last Thursday and Friday at the LDS College in Suva.

To date, 260 coaches have completed the Level 2 two-day course but only 27 have been accredited. It is FRU’s aim is to increase this number by the end of the year by focusing on education. Only 35 have undergone training for Level 3 but have yet to finish it.

Level 2 is the global focus now and FRU is gearing towards that direction in educating our local coaches to better our performance. In level two the main thing is the coaching process unlike in Level 1 where it is all about interest and no functional roles.

Waqa confirmed the reasons the two day sessions were conducted were for the educators to see how to run a Level 2 refresher and then replicate it to their regions.

“It is to continue professional development for the educators and trainers, refresher level 2, processes to be understood on the Education/development side to complete Level 2 and discussion about budget and diary,” he said.

He also said that World Rugby now are more strategic in delivery of courses to answer Union needs.

“The move now is to have more accredited courses (Level 2 and 3) and less Level 1 and also constant refresher courses for educators.”

World Rugby is engaging with each union on completion of courses and there are very standard guidelines also for license educators.

All FRU Development officers and educators participated in the up skilling including two female coaches Paulini Tamatasasa and Tavaita Rowati.

Rowati who is a coach player for Striders Women’s Rugby team was grateful to attend the refresher and admitted that it was more detailed and focused.

“I did the 2-day Level 2 course in 2012 but I couldn’t finish it because I got stuck with the team profiling and player profiling but after Talemo explained in details I can now go back with a clearer picture,” Rowai said.

FRU educators are now been tasked to assist coaches to complete the course so at the end of the year we will see an increase in number of accredited coaches and an improvement in players performance.



FRU Development Unit is seeking all Level 2 Attendees from 2008 to 2015 to please contact Mereti Din 8903868 or and leave your current contact.

National Development Manager Sale Sorovaki said that there were a lot of coaches that have gone through the 2 day training but were challenged in finishing their assessments. Reasons for not completing may vary from coach to coach, but we are certain of one thing and that is to get as many coaches across to completing their Level 2 Accreditations.

We have gone back to our lists and can the following coaches please send your details to Mereti ASAP so we can start our assessments. Most coaches would have different addresses from when they first started and that could be one of the main challenges.

We will contact each one and audit their involvement before any assessment can begin.

Level 2 Coaches

Jope Tuikabe
Peniasi Toki
Anthony Kamali
Emosi Verebasaga
Josefa Tariwau
Watisoko Sireli
Sekove Sadria
William Bose
Akuila Nawai
Ilikimi Torosi
Solomone Spooner
Wame Naivalu
Tevita Kamikamica
Osea Umuumulovo
Semi Matalau
Alivereti Mocelutu
Aisea Sasalu
Mosese Taga
Inoke Male
Lance Whippy
Epeli Naituivau
Sale Sorovaki
Akuila Usenio Logaivau
Sekove Venasio Naborisi
Sakiusa Vuakoro
Josaia Waiwalu
Petero Manoa Camavuto
Viliame Naleka Batibasaga
Susau Vilisoni Finiasi
Venasio Ramacake
Jitoka Bogitini
Niumaia Serevi
Fesaitu Mario
Semi Davui
Beni Benadito
Paula Turivosa Tuimabula
Tom Sassen
Joave Nainoca
Joji Cama Wasigitoni
Manoa Dromunavula
Philip Andrew Morrell
Jack Mosese Vosanibola
Ilaitia Tuisese Junior
Ilaitia Rakuro
Tevita Nauwamea
Ratavo Lalabalavu
Joveci Verevodi
Anasa Bainivalu
Anare Gonewai
Ovalase Toduadua
Jiuta Wainibuli
Levaci Digitaki
William Paul Raione
Vilimoni Kelevi
Navitalai Waiwalu
Iliesa Tuinakabani Tubuni
Koini Vuli
Tevita Rogo
Jimi Malumu
Francis Kean
Asaeli Tamanitoakula
Samisoni Banuve Uluimoala
Misaele Tabua
Lasarusa Delaivuna
Tevita Tikoisuva Likusuasua
Sekove Waqanivalu
Immanuel Saififi
Atonio Racika Colaudolu
Sakeasi Rokoderea Vonolagi
Amani Waqa Rogosau
Mateiwai Vakarau
Waisea Cama Baleivanualala
Saimoni Camaitoga
Yavala Temo Cagica
Aminiasi Radrodro
Timoci Matainadroga
Saiasi Fuli
Nacanieli Seru
Tavaita Ravouvou
Apolosa Veve
Josese Bisa
Peter A Lee
Vereniki Vaubula
Manoa Ratu
Taniela Savou
Watisoni Naqei
Alvin Nair
Glen King
Alipate Mataivilia
Sakeasi Moli
Jale Tuilailai
Jone Kaila
Simeli Ralimalima
Waisea Qiokata
Jone Turaganivalu
Manasa Bari
Neumi Donu
Tomasi Tiko
Alipate Naqasima
Nimilote Dau Vuki
Savenaca Aria
Sairusi Boseiwaqa
Ganilau Sarasau
Ilikena Tomasi
Petero Naicola
Sakeasi Muakalou
Laitia Masi Tunidau
Nemani Odro
Sevuloni Mar
Joni Tabakau
Tomasi Cava
Waisea Narusa
Viliame Gucake
Alivereti Tawake
Eroni Sowakula
Luke Serubasaga
Meli Rabatobato
Lemeki Savua
Joseva Raboiliku
Kelepi Bainivalu Bolatolu
Maleli Savai
Apenisa Rokosuka
Uraia Tuidama
Epeli Nailatikau Qaraninamu
Savenaca Driu Burotu
Jone Sega Lesi
Saimoni Nadore Naitokorua
Emori Ratu
Joji Nikola
Nemani Baleinaceva
Inoke Bula Tuiwainunu
Saimoni Rakatia
Jovesa Saqali
Isei Boladrau Rayawa
Elia Waqanidrola Rokowailoa
Eroni Tuisese
Ifereimi Bale
Isikeli Vuniwaqa
Marika Tuiwainunu
Josese Nabuta Tagicakibau
Aca Gavidi Ratuva
Peni Tagicakibau
Vatemosi Nailumu
Filipe Tadulala
Lui Acareva
Raikiwasa Loanakadavu
Rupeni Vulaca
Waisale Tavatuilagi
Samuela Yalayala
Jesoni Bainivalu
Ratu Epeli Tagivetaua
Akuila Matabalei
Josefa Niumataiwalu
Jeremaia Lewaravu
Ratu Poate Malu
Kitione Vesikula
Ifereimi Kubukawa
Alivereti Tawake
Joeli Tubu


All Level 3 Coaches should send their details to FRU Dev Unit and confirm current status.

Inoke Male
Lance Whippy
Vuata Naresia
Salimoni Ravouvou
Alivereti Mocelutu
Senirusi Seruvakula
Sale Sorovaki
Vereti Verebula
Iliesa Tanivula
Samu Domoni
Osea Umuumulovo
Usaia Koroivunilagi
Elenoa Kunatuba
Christopher Waqa
Joni Tabakau
Iosefo Bele
Saiyasi Fuli
Ilivasi Tabua
Viliame Gadolo
Vereti Verebula
© Fiji Rugby 2024