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Crucial Weeks Ahead for Vodafone Fijiana XV in Oceania Rugby Women’s Championship

The next few weeks will be pivotal for the Vodafone Fijiana XV as they compete in the Oceania Rugby Women’s Championship in Brisbane.

This tournament will determine their qualification for the 2025 Women’s World Cup in England.

Head Coach Mosese Rauluni has assembled a formidable squad for Brisbane.

Rauluni said, “It’s a very important competition we are going into. Our main objective is to qualify for the World Cup, and we have come to that point.

“Our first big test is against Tonga. The main goal is to win every game; we can’t take any team lightly,” he added.

Rauluni said the first opponents, Tonga, will come in strong as teams will be hungry for a World Cup spot.

“Tonga is a very strong team. They have a lot of girls playing in NZ and Australia, so their time together will be short, but when they play for their country, they will give their all.”

As the team gears up for their opener against Tonga, the focus remains steadfast on winning every game to secure their spot on the global stage in 2025.

The Oceania Rugby Womens Championship will run from 24th May to 2nd June.


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